Tuesday 24 April 2012


We made it in to the paper am very happy about this take a look 


And again lol 


Thank you for looking call again soon :)


 Our Titanic open day came at last it was a good day and well worth the time put into doing it. they are keeping it till the 28th now.we have had so so many tell us how good it is well it was the biggest thing i have ever done. i loved every minute of it. here are some of the picture from it.

This is the Titanic inside and out 

 This is were all about the crew, passengers, survivors and the ones who died. and some of their family history.

This is about the media newspapers and dvd films,books about the Titanic

These are the folders that i did with info about people on the ship.

These are some of the things found from the ship.

This is Reginald Hardwick Family tree that took a while to do but found his living family the tree will go to them when it is too down.

This is the detail of the Titanic inside and out were everything is.

This last one is of the crew members and there family trees and of the sad stories of some of the ones that lost their life that night.

Hope you have like looking at this thank you and call again soon :)

Tuesday 10 April 2012

Update on the Titanic research

We have 4 days to go before the Titanic open day and still lots more to do i know we get it all done but until it is up and done then i can relax  
this has been a mix of emotions for me has well has loved doing it some of the stories are so sad like the post worker who promised his sweetheart a kiss when he got back and sent her a postcard from the ship and he never come back he died at sea
the man who was going to get off at the next port  and never got there 
all the poor pets  lost there life  the Titanic is full of sad and happy stories so its been great doing this open day and remembered the man who is buried in our village he was on the Titanic and came home only to go to war in 1918 and was killed there he only been in the war 8weeks  these are the stories that need remembering and told of how brave some of them were and that their memories  live 
on thank you for reading call again soon :).

Monday 2 April 2012

come out wherever you are

Today had a task to find a man who changed his name 3 times took about 4hours to find his 3 names but did it in the end.
Doing family history is not all find in a hour or so some times it can take months or even years to find what you are looking for.
There is a man in my class that i teach found out he was related to two other members so be careful what you say to people they maybe related to you lol.
You also maybe related to someone famous and do not know till to start .
I think everyone need to know were they come from and who there ancestors  were once you start you will not want to stop. when i start a new family history i am up till 4am doing it I been doing family history now for almost 24years and i still get a buzz out of it. I love to see the look on peoples face when they find someone and I love putting the jig sew together, because that is what family history is a big jig sew that has no corners and no end. and a joy forever.
The very first family history book was the Bible the 1st chapters are the start.
anyway that is all for today call again soon :)

Sunday 1 April 2012

By Dawn's Early Light

Was up this morning at 5am to a cold start but got laptop had look tucked up with blanket and coffee i am going to find more info on this Reginald Hardwick he was in on the Titanic when it sank but he got in a life boat and went to war and died in the 1918 war bless him 
he is berried in the Creswell churchyard. drawn up a chart of his family and his life and found living family i need them for our open day
it is amazing what you find in the early hours of the morning when most are fast asleep in bed here when got so far.

The Chart 

Plans begin

                   All stuff needed to start but no coffee yet lol
             that it for now call again soon thanks for calling by :)