Tuesday 10 April 2012

Update on the Titanic research

We have 4 days to go before the Titanic open day and still lots more to do i know we get it all done but until it is up and done then i can relax  
this has been a mix of emotions for me has well has loved doing it some of the stories are so sad like the post worker who promised his sweetheart a kiss when he got back and sent her a postcard from the ship and he never come back he died at sea
the man who was going to get off at the next port  and never got there 
all the poor pets  lost there life  the Titanic is full of sad and happy stories so its been great doing this open day and remembered the man who is buried in our village he was on the Titanic and came home only to go to war in 1918 and was killed there he only been in the war 8weeks  these are the stories that need remembering and told of how brave some of them were and that their memories  live 
on thank you for reading call again soon :).

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